A magnificent and peaceful Hacienda nestled in the heart of Michoacan’s Purhépecha secular traditions.
Enjoy a free Purhépecha massage from one of the hotel cook who is known in the region to have an ancient healing gift!
Key Features
Camino a Sanabria-Ucazanaztacua Km.10.5 Sin Número, Lago de Pátzcuaro, 58440 Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán, México.
Travel Info
4.5 hours away by car from the boisterous Mexico City. Most of the ride from the capital is by federal highway, leaving you just half an hour ride off the main highway to get to the location of the hacienda. From Morelia, Michoacán capital city
Nearby Places
4.5 hours away by car from the boisterous Mexico City. Most of the ride from the capital is by federal highway, leaving you just half an hour ride off the main highway to get to the location of the hacienda. From Morelia, Michoacán capital city (where is
250 m